The Importance of Support Networks

Writing is often a lonely task. Creation usually happens with just you and the keyboard (or paper or paint or however you create) and no one else there to walk that path with you. It can be isolating and difficult to explain to friends and family.

It’s because of this solitary nature of creating that building a support network is so vitally important. Having friends who understand the struggles or who can offer advice is so helpful whether you’re just starting out or an established professional.

But building this network can take time, however, there are some ways to find support no matter what level of creating you’re at.

  1. Join Local Activities

Check with your local libraries or bookstores to see if there are writing groups that meet up. Search online for your city + writing and see if anything comes up. There are often small groups looking for new members and ready to welcome you in.

  1. Social Media

Yes, the chaotic force of the world, social media, can be used for good for building a network of support. There are countless Facebook groups for writers, artists, and designers, others share tips, successes, and mistakes with each other. Discord also can help you find a smaller community but can be a little harder to get access to (and honestly there are only so many hours in a day for social media use!). Twitter has hundreds of hashtags of people doing similar work who can understand and answer questions.

  1. Conventions

Just like last week’s post talked about conventions and building a network, they are also great places to find support! If there are available workshops at the conventions that you’re attending, then get to know the other people there. Share email addresses, social media, websites, or whatever you like! These are your people, so say hello!
