Setting Projects Aside

I am 100% for finishing what you start and powering through to the end. However, recently I had to put a project I was very excited about into a drawer and now, I’m just letting it simmer.

I wrote the first draft of a YA novel that I think has some great potential. The plan was for me to let it sit for a few weeks and then get back to work on rewrites. When that day came, I stared at the first draft and realized that I still had no clue what to do with it.

I had huge plot problems where I couldn’t decide between two very different story lines, and I still didn’t know where the story was going. The excitement had vanished, and all that I had left was a whole lot of frustration and no action.

So I’ve decided to put the project aside and work on another project that I’ve had in my mind for a while, but it still burns to not be working straight through to finish my YA novel.

Hopefully in next few months, ideas will click back into place and I’ll be on that train once again!

What do you do when a project needs to be set aside?
